City Council meets on Mondays at 2:00 p.m. and on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. at the City Administration Building, 12th floor, 202 "C" Street in downtown San Diego. View the City Council Docket and City Council Meeting Webcast Archives online.
Each of the nine City Councilmembers is elected from within their council district.
Serving San Diego as the chief legal advisor and misdemeanor prosecutor, the City Attorney is dedicated to a philosophy of proactive, early intervention and community outreach.
Register for City Boards and Commissions - Duties, relevant policy and legal guidelines, the appointment process and the terms of membership.
The Redevelopment Agency is able to use special legal and financial mechanisms to eliminate blight and improve economic and physical conditions in designated areas of the City.
The San Diego City Employees' Retirement System (SDCERS) administers retirement benefits to more than 20,450 active and retired members from the City of San Diego, the Unified Port of San Diego and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority.
The Office of Independent Budget Analyst provides clear, objective and unbiased advice to the City Council.
The City Clerk oversees municipal elections, maintains legislative documents, and ensures an informed citizenry.
The Municipal Code contains all ordinances for the City of San Diego. Search by subject matter or specific sections.
The Ethics Commission monitors, administers and enforces City governmental ethics laws and proposes new governmental ethics law reforms.
The Office of the City Auditor established a Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline so individuals can confidentially report evidence of fraud, waste or abuse involving City of San Diego employees or operations.
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